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2016 LCLUC Spring Science Team Meeting (18-19 April) and MuSLI Science Team Meeting (20-21 April)

Meeting Presentations

Title Presenter Institution
A look past and a look present LCLUC 2016 David Skole Michigan State University
Future Earth in Asia: Priorities and Activities Jiaguo Qi Michigan State University
20 years of LCLUC Program: a retrospective and update Garik Gutman NASA Headquarters
LCLUC Spring 2016 meeting wrapup Garik Gutman NASA Headquarters
South/Southeast Asia Research Initiative (2016) Krishna Vadrevu NASA Marshall
SERVIR Applying Earth Observation data to support decision making Africa Flores, Africa Flores NASA-SERVIR
Quantifying the Role of Northern Eurasia in the Global Carbon and Water Dynamics during the 21st Century Qianlai Zhuang Purdue University
Near-real Time RS Appliactions and Services Vladimir Gershenzon R&D Center ScanEx
Northern Eurasia Future Initiative: Facing the Challenges of Global Change in the 21st century Pavel Groisman UCAR Project Scientist at NCDC
Yamal LCLUC Synthesis Donald Walker University of Alaska Fairbanks