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2016 LCLUC Spring Science Team Meeting (18-19 April) and MuSLI Science Team Meeting (20-21 April)

Meeting Presentations

Title Presenter Institution
Land Cover and Land Use Change (LCLUC) Dynamics in South and South East Asia (SSEA) Atul Jain University of Illinois
LCLUC 20th anniversary: Chris Justice Christopher Justice University of Maryland, College Park
LCLUC in Mainland Southeast Asia Jefferson Fox East-West Center
LCLUC Spring 2016 meeting wrapup Garik Gutman NASA Headquarters
Leisz, Stephen, and Eric Rounds (2016) Urban-Rural Teleconnections within borders and across borders: the case of Vietnam and Laos within the East-West Economic Corridor. NASA LCLUC Science Team Presentation. Stephen Leisz Colorado State University
Mapping industrial forests in tropical monsoon Asia Jinwei Dong University of Oklahoma
NASA-MSU Professional Enhancement Award Program Jianguo Liu Michigan State University
Near-real Time RS Appliactions and Services Vladimir Gershenzon R&D Center ScanEx
Northern Eurasia Future Initiative: Facing the Challenges of Global Change in the 21st century Pavel Groisman UCAR Project Scientist at NCDC
Policy Shifts Influence the Functional Changes of the CNH Systems on Mongolian Plateau Jiquan Chen Michigan State University