9:00- 9:05 Welcome and Logistics – Chris Justice (UMD)
Program Presentations
9:05 - 9:50 Program Overview and Update – Garik Gutman (NASA HQ) STM24_1 Gutman.pdf
9.50 - 10:10 Invited Talk: An Update on ESE– Jack Kaye (NASA HQ)
10:10 - 10:30 Invited Talk: An Overview of the NASA Earth Science-to-Action Strategy – Sid Boukabara (NASA HQ) STM24_3 Boukabara.pdf
10:30-10:45 Invited Talk: An Update on Earth Action– Tom Wagner (NASA HQ) STM24_4 Wagner .pdf
10:45 – 11:15 Break (30 mins)
LCLUC 2022 Presentation of Research Results
11:20 -11:40 Land-cover and Land-use Change at the Frontier: Socioeconomic and Environmental Factors Influencing Land-Use Transitions in the Cerrado Biome – Gillian Galford (U. Vermont) STM24_5 Galford.pdf
11:40 - 12:00 Irrigation as climate-change adaptation in the Cerrado biome of Brazil evaluated with new quantitative methods, socio-economic analysis, and scenario models –Gustavo Oliveira [PI: Robert Pontius] (Clark U.) STM24_6 Oliveira.pdf
12:00 - 12:20 Can Improved Stakeholder Representation Prevent Human-Caused Mangrove Loss in the Mesoamerican Reef Ecoregion? – Grant Connette (Smithsonian Inst.) STM24_7 Connette.pdf
12:20-12:30 Group Picture
12:30 – 2:00 Lunch
2:00 - 2:20 Exploring the Nexus between LCLUC, Socio-Economic Factors, and Water for a Vulnerable Arid US- Mexico Transboundary Region – Saurav Kumar (Arizona State U.) STM24_8 Kumar.pdf
2:20 - 2:40 Disentangling Land-Use Change in Central Africa to Understand the Role of Local and Indigenous Communities in Forest Restoration and Conservation – Elsa Ordway (UCLA) STM24_9 Ordway.pdf
2:40 - 2:50 The NASA Pangea Scoping Effort – Elsa Ordway (UCLA) STM24_10 Ordway.pdf
2:50 – 3.00 The NASA ARID Scoping Project - Andrew Feldman (GSFC) STM24_11 Feldman.pdf
3:00 - 3:20 Multi-sensor Mapping of Refugee Agricultural LCLUC Hotspots in Uganda – Abena Boatemaa Asare-Ansah (UMD, College Park) [PI: Jamon Van Den Hoek (Oregon State U.)] STM24_12 Jamon.pdf
3:20 - 3:40 Break
SARI: LCLUC Regional Program in South/Southeast Asia
3:40 - 3.55 SARI Update – Krishna Vadrevu (NASA MSFC, SARI Lead) STM24_13 Vadrevu.pdf
3.55 - 4:25 South East Asia LCUC Synthesis Update – Son Nghiem (JPL) & Peilei Fan (Tufts U.) STM24_14 Nghiem_v2.pdf STM24_15 Fan.pdf
4.25 - 4.45 South Asia LCLUC Synthesis Update – Dave Skole (Michigan State U.) STM24_16 Skole.pdf
Poster Session
4:45 – 5:30 Poster Lightning Introductions 17 Poster Slides.pdf
5:30 – 7:00 Poster Session and Reception
LCLUC Project Posters
- Pre- and Post- Wildfire Analysis in Mediterranean Forests Using Combined SWIR TIR Orbital Remote Sensing (Nimrod Carmon, Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
- Quantifying Connections Between Urban LCLUC and Emerging Extreme Heat in Rapidly Growing Indian Cities (Glynn Hulley, Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
- Urbanization and Fire Risk at the Global Wildland-Urban Interface: A Multi-sensor Study of Past and Future Trends (Shijuan Chen [PI: Karen Seto], Yale U.)
- Detecting and Mapping War-Induced Damage to Agricultural Fields in Ukraine Using Multi-Modal Remote Sensing Data (Charitian Abys [PI: Sergii Skakun], U. of Maryland, College Park)
- Multiscale Monitoring of Drought-Induced Forest Mortality by Detecting Spatial Anomalies in Land Surface Temperature and Infrared Reflectance (Jonathan Wang, University of Utah, Salt Lake City)
- Multi-Source, Multi-Resolution Imaging of Urban Land Cover to Improve Predictions of Human Heat Exposures (Chengbin Deng [Michael Wimberly] , U. of Oklahoma, Norman)
- Land Cover Land Use Change, Conflict, and Peacebuilding in Colombia - (Bing Peng [PI: McKenzie F. Johnson], U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
- Analyzing the land-use change impacts of oil and gas exploration related infrastructure changes on Arctic communities (Dan Sousa [PI: Latha Baskaran], NASA-JPL)
- Water Scarcity in the Serbian Danube: Agricultural Land Use Change and Irrigation (Sean Woznicki, Grand Valley State University)
- Multi-source Wildland Urban Interface Characterization Enhanced with Machine Learning Technique: Dynamics and Hazard Assessment (Yufang Jin, UC Davis)
- The Impact of Investment on Irrigated Rice, Dryland Agriculture and Afforestation in Senegal using SAR and Optical Time-Series Imagery in Data Fusion Approaches (Christopher Neigh, NASA GSFC)
- Global Hotspots of Change in Mangrove Forests (Cheryl Doughty [PI: Marc Simard] - NASA JPL)
- Using Planet Daily Imagery with the Sentinels and Landsat to Generate Deforestation Alerts (Sean Healey and Eric Bullock, USDA)
- Policy, Market, and Climate Change Impacts on Maize Production in Mexico (Victor Prudente [PI: Meha Jain], U. of Michigan)
- Mapping the spectral, thermal, and fine-scale textural characteristics of croplands in Central America and variation with rates of outmigration (2012-2018) (Nicholas Cuba, Auburn University)
Posters of FINNEST and IDS 2021-22 LCLUC-related Selections
- Quantifying the impacts of forest biomass and productivity change on future Land cover and land use change projections (Meng Lu, U. Wisconsin, Madison)
- Quantifying Field-Level over Cropping Across the U.S. Midwest Using MultiSource Satellite Data (Qu Zhou, [Pi: Kaiyu Guan] U. of Urbana Champaign)
- Agriculture Velocity of Winter Wheat (Leonid Shumilo, [PI: Sergii Skakun], U. of Maryland).
- Understanding the integrated ecosystem and geomorphologic evolution across the land-ocean gradient in response to dam disruptions. (Kyra Adams, NASA JPL)
- Predicting the Impact of Contemporary Climate Extremes on Nitrogen Flux along the Land-to-Ocean Continuum: Integrated Remote Sensing and Modeling Applied to the Mississippi River Basin. (Charles Vorosmarty, City University of NY)
- Watersheds, Water Quality, and Coastal Communities in Puerto Rico (Water2Coasts): An interdisciplinary island landscape to coastal ocean assessment with socioeconomic implications ( Juan Torres-Perez , NASA Ames Research Center)
- Wildfire Impacts on Communities in the Wildland Urban Interface and Ecosystems in Protected Areas (Volker Radeloff, University of Wisconsin, Madison)
DAY 2 (Wednesday, April 3 2024)
LCLUC 2022 Presentation of Research Results (Cont’d)
9.00 – 9.20 Modulation of Climate Risks by Intensification of Urban and Agricultural Land Uses in the Arabian Peninsula. Cascade Tuholske (Montana State U.) STM24_18 Tuholske.pdf
9:20 – 9:40 Drivers and constraints of land cover land use change in Asian aquaculture hotspots – Lin Yan (Michigan State U.) STM24_19 Yan.pdf
9:40 – 10:00 Institutional Forcings on Agricultural Landscapes in Post-Socialist Europe: Diachronic Hotspot Analysis of CAP Influences on Agricultural Land Use in Romania 2002-2024. Monika Tomaszewska [PI: Geoffrey Henebry] (Michigan State U.) STM24_20 Henebry V2.pdf
10:00 – 10:20 Energy LCLUC hotspot: Characterizing the dynamics of energy land use and assessing environmental impacts in the Permian Basin. Xiaopeng Song (U. Maryland, College Park) STM24_21 Song v2.pdf
10:20 – 10.50 Break
10:50 -11:10 The Interplay between Land User Decisions and Landcover Change in Coastal Ecosystems and Working Lands Under Sea Level Rise in the Mid- Atlantic U.S. Elizabeth Hunter (Virginia Tech.) STM24_22 Hunter.pdf
International Partner Programs
11:10 - 11:30 Invited Talk: Global Land Project Update – Ariane DeBremond (U. Maryland, College Park) STM24_23 De Bredmond.pdf
11:30 - 11:50 Invited Talk: GOFC-GOLD Fire IT priorities – David Roy (Michigan State U.) STM24_24 Roy v2.pdf
11:50 - 12:10 Invited Talk: GOFC-GOLD Land Cover IT priorities – Dave Skole (Michigan State U.) STM24_25 Skole.pdf
12:10 - 12:30 Invited Talk: CEOS LPV Land Cover WG activities – Alexandra Tyukavina (U. Maryland, College Park) STM24_26 Tyukavina.pdf
12:30 -2:00 Lunch
HQ Program Crosswalks
2:00 - 2:20 Invited Talk: NASA Commercial Science Data Acquisitions – Frederick Policelli (NASA HQ/CSDA) STM24_27 Policelli.pdf
2:20 - 2:40 Invited Talk: NASA Digital Twins – Jacqueline Le Moigne (NASA HQ/ESTO) STM24_28 Le Moigne.pdf
2:40 - 3:00 Invited Talk: The critical need to include land-use data in weather forecast and climate models – Roger Pielke (U. of Colorado at Boulder) STM_24_29 Pielke.mp4
3:00 - 3:20 Invited Talk: NASA’s Earth Action Agriculture Program and potential cross-cuts- Brad Doorn (NASA HQ) STM24_30 Doorn.mp4
3:20 - 3:45 Break
3:45 - 4:05 Invited Talk: NASA Transform to Open Science – Rachel Paseka (NASA HQ) STM24_31 Paseka.pdf
4:05 - 4:25 Invited Talk: NASA SEDAC LCLUC-related products- Alex de Sherbinin (SEDAC, Columbia U.) STM24_32 Sherbinin.pdf
4:25 - 5:00 Discussion on Program Crosswalks – Moderator: Chris Justice (U. Maryland, College Park)
DAY 3 (Thursday, April 4, 2024 )
Mission and Data Product Updates
9:00 – 9:30 Invited Talk: Landsat 9 and Landsat Next Status and Plans – Chris Neigh/Bruce Cook (NASA GSFC) STM24_34 Neigh .pdf STM24_34 Cook.pdf
9:30 – 9:50 Invited Talk: Harmonized Landsat Sentinel (HLS) Status and Plans – Junchang Ju (NASA GSFC) STM24_35 Ju.pdf
9:50 – 10:10 Invited Talk: NISAR Mission Status and Plans – Gerald Bawden (NASA HQ) STM24_36 Bawden.pdf
10:10 – 10:30 Invited Talk: Observational Products for End-Users from Remote Sensing Analysis (OPERA):Surface Disturbance Product – Matt Hansen (U. Maryland, College Park) STM24_37 Hansen.pdf
10:30 – 10:50 Break
LCLUC Program Feedback Session
10:50 – 11:20 Discussion and Feedback on Emerging Science Directions for the LCLUC Program – Moderator: Chris Justice (U. Maryland, College Park)
Program Presentation
11:20 – 11:30 Summary of the Meeting – Chris Justice (U. Maryland, College Park)
11.30 – 12:00 Concluding Remarks – Garik Gutman (NASA HQ) STM24_40 Gutman.pdf
End of Meeting
For attendees, parking in the open lot is free of charge, regardless of whether you're staying overnight at the hotel.
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