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Joint NASA Land-Cover and Land-Use Change Science Team Meeting and GOFC-GOLD/NERIN, NEESPI, MAIRS Workshop Monitoring land cover, land use and fire in agricultural and semi-arid regions of Northern Eurasia

Meeting Presentations

Title Presenter Institution
Monitoring land cover, land use and firein agricultural and semi-arid regions of Northern Eurasia Olga Krankina Oregon State University
Monitoring Vegetation Condition in Central Asia: An Overview Geoffrey Henebry Michigan State University
Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional Study (MAIRS) and its Recent Progresses Jiaguo Qi Michigan State University
NASA MODIS Global Fire Monitoring and its Applications in Northern Eurasia Tatiana Loboda University of Maryland
National Space Monitoring System of the Republic of Kazakhstan Lev Spivak National Space Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Northern Eurasia Earth Science Partnership Initiative (NEESPI) Mutlu Ozdogan University of Wisconsin
Pasture Monitoring based on the Remote Sensing and Ground Observation Base (example of Balkhash area) Jiaguo Qi Michigan State University
Presentation- Almaty- Arkhipkin Oleg Arkhipkin National Center of Space Research and Technologies
Presentation- Almaty- Dyusenbekov Zairulla Dyusenbekov
Presentation- Almaty- Finaev Alaxander Finaev Institute of Water Issues, Hydro-Power Engineering and Ecology