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LCLUC Science Team Meeting Focus on Tropical and Subtropical Regions

Meeting Presentations

Title Presenter Institution
A Comparative Study of Forest Mapping Methods/Algorithms: Towards Optimal Solutions for Operational Global Forest Mapping/Monitoring Youngsinn Sohn University of Maryland, Baltimore County
A Panamazonian Model of Deforestation, Logging and Forest Fire: the Amazon Scenarios Project Daniel Nepstad Amazon Environmental Research Institute (IPAM)
Agricultural Colonization in the Ecuadorian Amazon: Population, Biophysical, and Geographical Factors Affecting Land Use/Land Cover Change and Landscape Structure Richard Bilsborrow University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
An Integrated Forest Monitoring System for Central Africa Nadine Laporte The Woods Hole Research Center
Anthropogenic Landscape Changes and the Dynamics of Amazon Forest Biomass William Laurance National Institute for Research in the Amazon
Assessment, Monitoring, and Modeling of LCLUC and Their Impacts on Groundwater Resources, Ecosystems, and Carbon Cycling in Saharan Africa: A Case Study, SW Egypt (Part 1 of 3) Mohamed Sultan Western Michigan University
Assessment, Monitoring, and Modeling of LCLUC and Their Impacts on Groundwater Resources, Ecosystems, and Carbon Cycling in Saharan Africa: A Case Study, SW Egypt (Part 2 of 3) Mohamed Sultan Western Michigan University
Assessment, Monitoring, and Modeling of LCLUC and Their Impacts on Groundwater Resources, Ecosystems, and Carbon Cycling in Saharan Africa: A Case Study, SW Egypt (Part 3 of 3) Mohamed Sultan Western Michigan University
Australia's National Multitemporal Landsat Land Cover Database for Carbon Accounting Brian Turner Australian National University
AVIRIS Update Robert Green NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory