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NASA Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems Joint Science Workshop

The 3rd NASA Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems Joint Science Workshop will be held Oct 3-7 at the Hilton, Alexandria, Virginia. All scientists involved in the corresponding NASA programs are welcome to attend. The NASA LCLUC program falls within the Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems Focus Area. On October 6, individual discipline NASA programs within this Focus Area will be holding their own Science Team Meetings. The focus for this one-day LCLUC ST Meeting will be on Land-Use Observations with an emphasis on agriculture.

Meeting Presentations

Title Presenter Institution
'Tree-Grass': Proposal for a NASA Terrestrial Ecology Field Activity in Savannas and Mixed Tree-Grass Ecosystems Niall Hanan Colorado State University
30-year Northern Hemisphere Freeze/Thaw seasonal trends and associated impacts to vegetation growing seasons and Carbon Exchange Youngwook Kim University of Montana
Airborne LWIR Hyperspectral Imager with High Spatial Resolution and Wide Area Coverage: A New Tool for Environmental and Ecosystem Studies David Tratt The Aerospace Corporation, USA
Albedo Response to Disturbance from Intergrating Landsat and MODIS Data Yanmin Shuai NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
An Integrated Earth System Science Approach for Predicting Nutrient Transports from the Land to the Ocean Zong-Liang Yang University of Texas-Austin
Analysis of Surface Inundation Change within Arctic Permafrost Zones using AMSR-E Fw Retrievals Jennifer Watts University of Montana
Analysis of the relationship between climate and NDVI variability at global scales Fan-Wei Zeng NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Changing Field Sizes of the Conterminous United States David Roy Michigan State University
Combining surface Reflectance and Emissivity for the Assessment of Ecosystem Diversity and Urban Boundaries, at Varying Spectral and Spatial Scales Petya Campbell NASA/GSFC
E0-1 Hyperion capturing seasonal dynamics in vegetation phenology and spectral properties associated with CO2 uptake Petya Campbell NASA/GSFC