The 2010 Urban Vegetated Fraction for North America dataset is based on Landsat observations and estimates vegetated fraction of the urbanized areas of North America through a standardized spectral mixture model applied to the Global Land Survey 2010 dataset. Since land cover change from urban to rural areas takes place through a continuum gradient information from the VIIRS Day/Night Band was used to isolate populated agglomerations.

Spatial Coverage: North America
Temporal Coverage: 2010, 2000 (coming soon!)
Resolution: 30m
Projection: UTM
Data Type: Floating Point
Data Format:Binary with ENVI Header
Small, C.; Milesi, C. Multi-scale standardized spectral mixture models. Remote Sens. Environ. 2013, 136, 442-454.
Priniciple Investigator: Cristina Milesi
Project Information
PROJECT NAME | Principal Investigator | INSTITUTION |
Mapping of Urban Expansion Using Multi-Decadal Landsat and Nightlights Data Over North America | Cristina Milesi | NASA Ames Research Center |