Remote sensing estimates of stand-replacement fires in Russia, 2002-2011
This dataset shows the extent of stand-replacement fires in Russian forests between 2002-2011. The dataset was produced by integrating 30 m Landsat data with Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) based Fire and Burned Area data products, 1km and 500m respectively.
Dataset Image

Product Details
Spatial Coverage: Russia
Temporal Coverage: 2002-2011
Resolution: 30 m
Projection: WGS84
Data Type: 8 bit integer
Data Format: ERDAS Imagine (.img)
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Dataset creator
Priniciple Investigator: Jessica McCarty
Project Information
PROJECT NAME | Principal Investigator | INSTITUTION |
The Role of Environmental, Socioeconomic, Institutional, and Land-Cover/LandUse Change Factors to Explain the Pattern and Causal Drivers of Anthropogenic Fires in Post-Soviet Eastern Europe | Jessica McCarty | Miami University |