2002 |
Annual Progress Report |
Land-Cover And Land-Change (LCLUC) in the Southern Yucatán Peninsular Region (SYPR) Refining Models and Projections of Deforestation with Application to the Carbon Cycle, Biotic Diversity and Regeneration Capacity, Sustainability and Vulnerability |
2001 |
Publications |
K. Vitkay and D. Pérez-Salicrup. 2001. Effect of Sabal mexicana palms on Pteridium aquilinum Invaded Fields in the Southern Yucatan. In M. J. Wade, ed. Evolution 2000. Bloomington, CD on Indiana University Conferences. |
2001 |
Billie Turner |
Publications |
J. Geoghegan, S. Cortina Villar, P. Klepeis, P. Macario Mendoza, Y. Ogneva-Himmelberger, R. Roy Chowdhury, B. L. Turner II, and C. Vance. 2001. Modeling Tropical Deforestation in the Southern Yucatán Peninsular Region: Comparing Survey and Satellite Data. Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment 85 (1-3): 25-46. |
2001 |
Publications |
D. Pérez-Salicrup. 2001. Forest Types in the Southern Yucatán Peninsula: Effect of Long- and Short-Term Land Use on Regional Diversity. In K. N. Ganeshaiah, R. Shaanker, and K. S. Bawa, eds. Tropical Ecosystems: Structure, Diversity and Human Welfare. Proceedings of the International Conference on Tropical Ecosystems. New Delhi, Oxford-IBH, 142., 63-80. |
2001 |
Publications |
D. Pérez-Salicrup and D. R. Foster. 2001. Forest Types and Forest Succession in Southern Yucatan, Mexico. In M. J. Wade, ed. Evolution 2000. Bloomington, CD on Indiana University Conferences. |
2001 |
Billie Turner |
Publications |
D. C. Parker, T. Berger, et al. 2001. Agent-Based Models of Land-Use and Land-Cover Change: Report and Review of an International Workshop Irvine, California, USA October 4–7, 2001 (LUCC Report Series No. 6). Bloomington, Indiana, LUCC International Project Office. |
2001 |
Billie Turner |
Publications |
B. L. Turner II et al. 2001. Deforestation in the Southern Yucatán Peninsular Region: An Integrative Approach. Forest Ecology and Management 154 (3): 343-370. |
2001 |
Billie Turner |
Publications |
Klepeis, P. and B. L. Turner II. 2001. Integrated Land History and Global Change Science: The Example of the Southern Yucatán Peninsular Region Project. Land Use Policy 18 (1): 272-39. |
2000 |
NASA LCLUC Science Team Presentation |
2000 |
Significant Results |
Land-Cover Land-Use Change in the Southern Yucatán Peninsular Region |
1999 |
Significant Results |
Land-Cover and Land-Use Change in the Southern Yucatan Peninsula Region |
1998 |
Billie Turner |
Publications |
J. Geoghegan, L. J. Pritchard, Y. Ogneva-Himmelberger, R. Roy Chowdhury, S. Sanderson, and B. L. Turner II. 1998. "Socializing the pixel" and "pixelizing the social" in land-use/cover change. In People and Pixels, ed. D. Liverman, E. F. Moran, R. R. Rindfuss and P. C. Stern, 51-69. Washington, D.C.: National Research Council [Analog]. |