Vulnerability of US National Parks to Land Use and Climate Change and Variability: Part 2

Project Documents

Year Authors Type Title
2014 Steve Running Publications Andrew J. Hansen, Nathan Piekielek, Cory Davis, Jessica Haas, David M. Theobald, John E. Gross, William B. Monahan, Tom Olliff, and Steven W. Running 2014. Exposure of U.S. National Parks to land use and climate change 1900–2100. Ecological Applications 24:484–502.
2011 Matthew Hansen
Steve Running
Publications Haas, J, S Running, A Hansen, C Davis. In Prep. Climate change across US National Parks: 1895-2007.
2011 Steve Running Final Report Final Report: Vulnerability of U.S. National Parks to Land Use and Climate Change
2011 Steve Running Publications Davis, C.R. and A.J. Hansen. In Press. Trajectories in land-use change around US National Parks and their challenges and opportunities for management. Ecological Applications.
2011 Matthew Hansen
Steve Running
Publications Davis, C, AJ Hansen, J Haas, S Running. In Review. Land use change across US National Parks: 1940-2007. Ecological Applications.
2009 Ruth DeFries
Matthew Hansen
Publications R. DeFries, F. Rovero, P. Wright, J. Ahumada, S. Andelman, K. Brandon, J. Dempewolf, A. Hansen, J. Hewson, J. Liu. 2009. Linking Plot-level Biodiversity Measurements with Human Influences over Multiple Spatial Scales in the Tropics: A Conceptual Framework. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. doi:10.1890/080104
2009 Matthew Hansen Publications Jones, D.A., A.J. Hansen, K. Bly, K. Doherty, J.P. Verschuyl, J.I. Paugh, R. Carle, S.J. Story. 2009. Monitoring Land Use and Cover around National Protected areas: A Conceptual Approach. Remote Sensing of the Environment 113(7):1346-1356.