01/01/2024: Tropical Forest Degradation and Regeneration in the Brazilian Amazon: Thermal Remote Sensing Integrated into a Multi-Source Land Imaging Approach |
05/15/2023: Irrigation as climate-change adaptation in the Cerrado biome of Brazil evaluated with new quantitative methods, socio-economic analysis, and scenario models |
02/01/2022: Land Cover Land Use Change, Conflict, and Peacebuilding in Colombia |
06/01/2021: Impacts of Global Markets and National Policies on Forest Carbon Trajectories and Social Outcomes in the Guiana Shield Ecoregion |
02/08/2021: Quantifying agricultural expansion and tropical forest degradation in the Brazilian Arc of Deforestation: A multi-sensor, multi-scale approach |
01/01/2021: Rapid Change from Alluvial Mining and Development in Madre de Dios, Peru: A Multi-Sensor Fusion Approach to Quantify Terrestrial and Aquatic Impacts and Test Policy Effectiveness |
05/01/2018: Characterizing Field-Scale Water Use, Phenology and Productivity in Agricultural Landscapes Using Multi-Sensor Data Fusion |
01/01/2012: Land and Resource Use on the Amazon Floodplain Under Evolving Management Systems and Environmental Change: Fish, Forests, Cattle, and Settlements |
02/08/2011: Rates and Drivers of Land Use Land Cover Change in the Agricultural Frontier of Mato Grosso, Brazil |
01/28/2011: Linking Historical and Future Land-Use Change to the Economic Drivers and Biophysical Limitations of Agricultural Expansion in the Brazilian Cerrado |
01/01/2006: Human and Physical Dimensions of LCLUC in Amazonia |
01/01/2006: Multi-Agent Models of LCLUC Dynamics in the Northern Ecuadorian Amazon |
01/01/2006: Spatially Specific Land Cover Econometrics and Integration with Climate Prediction: Scenarios of Future Landscapes and Land-Climate Interactions |
01/01/2004: Integration of Land Use, Fire and Carbon Flux in Critical Amazon Landscapes: The Xingu River Headwaters and the BR163 Highway Corridor |
01/01/2004: Reducing Uncertainties of Carbon Emissions from Land Use-Related Fires with MODIS Data: From Local to Global Scale |
01/01/2000: Agricultural Colonization in the Ecuadorian Amazon: Population, Biophysical, and Geographical Factors Affecting Land Use/Land Cover Change and Landscape Structure: Part 2 |
01/01/2000: Improvements in Landsat Pathfinder methods for monitoring tropical deforestation and their extension to extra-tropical areas |
01/01/2000: Land-Cover/Land-Use Change and Carbon Dynamics in an Expanding Frontier in Western Amazonia: Acre, Brazil |
01/01/2000: Pattern to Process: Research and Applications for Understanding Multiple Interactions and Feedbacks on Land Cover Change |
01/01/1998: Anthropogenic Landscape Changes and the Dynamics of Amazonian Forest Biomass |
01/01/1998: Human and Physical Dimensions of Land Use/Cover Change in Amazonia: Forest Regeneration and Landscape Structure |
01/01/1998: The Present and Future Effects of Ground Fires on Forest Carbon Stocks, Metabolism, Hydrology, and Economic Value in Amazonia and the Cerrado |
01/01/1997: Agricultural Colonization in the Ecuadorian Amazon: Population, Biophysical, and Geographical Factors Affecting Land Use/Land Cover Change and Landscape Structure |