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Climate Variability and Change

Displaying 26 - 48 of 48
Start Date Title
05/20/2009 Interactive Changes of Ecosystems and Societies on the Mongolian Plateau: From Coupled Regulations of Land Use and Changing Climate to Adaptation
05/01/2009 Understanding and Predicting the Impact of Climate Variability and Climate Change on Land Use and Land Cover Change Via Socio-Economic Institutions in Southern Africa
04/21/2009 China's Urbanization and Its Sustainability Under Future Climate Change
05/01/2008 Land Use - Ecosystem - Climate Interactions in Monsoon Asia
01/01/2006 Spatially Specific Land Cover Econometrics and Integration with Climate Prediction: Scenarios of Future Landscapes and Land-Climate Interactions
01/01/2005 Development and Sensitivity Analysis of High Resolution Land Surface Parameters from Satellite Data and their Use in a Mesoscale Model - LDEO
01/01/2005 Development and Validation of Process Algorithms of Urbanization for Water Cycle, Data Assimilation and Climate studies
01/01/2005 Establishing a Global Forest Monitoring Capability Using Multi-Resolution and Multi-Temporal Remotely Sensed Data Sets
01/01/2005 Interactive Drivers of Land-Use/Land-Cover Change in Agricultural Areas: Climate and Land-Manager Choices
01/01/2005 Understanding the Role of Changes in Land-Use/Land-Cover and Atmospheric Dust Loading and their Coupling on Climate Change in the NEESPI Study Domain Drylands
01/01/2005 Vulnerability of US National Parks to Land Use and Climate Change and Variability: Part 2
01/01/2005 Wildfire, Ecosystems, and Climate: Examining the Relationships Between Weather, Extreme Fire Events and Fire-Induced Land-Cover Change in the Changing Climate of Siberia
01/01/2004 Agricultural Land Use and the Transformation of Planet Earth:  Investigating the Effects of Land Use Practices on the Ecological, Biogeochemical, and Hydrological Systems of the Planet
01/01/2004 Integrated Regional Climate Study with a Focus on the Land-Use Land-Cover Change and Associated Changes in Hydrological Cycles in the Southeastern United States
01/01/2004 Integration of Land Use, Fire and Carbon Flux in Critical Amazon Landscapes: The Xingu River Headwaters and the BR163 Highway Corridor
01/01/2004 Reindeer Mapper: A Remote Sensing and GIS-Based System to Bring Indigenous Traditional and Local Knowledge Together with Scientific Data and Information to Address Health Issues Resulting from Changes in Climate, Environment, Weather, and Pollution in Northern Russia
01/01/2004 Using MODIS Data to Characterize Climate Model Land Surface Processes and the Impacts of Land Use/Cover Change on Surface Hydrological Processes
01/01/2001 Climate and Human Impacts on Water Resources in Africa
01/01/2001 The Effects of Agricultural Expansion on Regional Hydrology in Southeastern Turkey
01/01/2000 Monitoring Forest Response to Past and Future Global Change in Greater Yellowstone
01/01/1997 Causes And Consequences Of Land Cover Change In A Greater Ecosystem: Trend And Risk Assessment, Monitoring, And Outreach
01/01/1997 Climate Change and Human Response in the Semi Arid Near East
01/01/1997 The Dynamics of a Semi-Arid Region in Response to Climate and Water-Use Policy