01/01/2001: Consequences of Institutional Change: Land-cover Dynamics in Kazakhstan 1960-2000 |
01/01/2001: Developing Land Cover Scenarios in Metropolitan and Non-Metropolitan Michigan, USA: A Stochastic Simulation Approach |
01/01/2001: Driving Forces of Change in Regional Carbon Stocks: Comparison of the Western Oregon, USA and St. Petersburg Region, Russia |
01/01/2001: Influence of Humans, Climate, and Fire on Forest Ecosystems and Carbon Dynamics in Indonesian Borneo |
01/01/2001: Landscape Dynamics and Land-Use Land-Cover Change in the Great Basin-Mojave Desert Region |
01/01/2001: Modeling Siberian Boreal Forest Land-Cover Change and Carbon under Changing Economic Paradigms |
01/01/2000: Agricultural Colonization in the Ecuadorian Amazon: Population, Biophysical, and Geographical Factors Affecting Land Use/Land Cover Change and Landscape Structure: Part 2 |
01/01/2000: Assessing Future Stability of US High Plains Land-Cover: Integration of Process Modeling with Landsat, In Situ Modern and Paleoclimatic Data |
01/01/2000: Combined Satellite Mapping of Siberian Landscapes: Natural and Anthropogenic Factors Affecting Carbon Balance |
01/01/2000: Hierarchical Investigation of Socioeconomic Drivers of Decadal Scale Land-Cover Changes in the Upper Midwest |
01/01/2000: Land-Use and Land-Cover Change in Sonora, Mexico: Trajectories of Agricultural Intensification and Consequences for Non-Agricultural Ecosystems: Part 2 |
01/01/2000: Land-Use and Land-Cover Change: Decadal-Scale Dynamics of Land Ownership Land Management and Carbon Storage Patterns in the Southeastern Lower Coastal Plain Region of the U.S. |
01/01/2000: Measuring Human Impacts on the Biodiversity of Ecosystems |
01/01/2000: Modeling and Forecasting Effects of Land Use Change in China Based on Socioeconomic Drivers: Part 2 |
01/01/2000: Pattern to Process: Research and Applications for Understanding Multiple Interactions and Feedbacks on Land Cover Change |
01/01/2000: The Spatial and Temporal Dimensions of Contemporary U.S. Land Cover and Land Use Change and Implications for Carbon Dynamics |
01/01/1998: Human and Physical Dimensions of Land Use/Cover Change in Amazonia: Forest Regeneration and Landscape Structure |
01/01/1997: Agricultural Colonization in the Ecuadorian Amazon: Population, Biophysical, and Geographical Factors Affecting Land Use/Land Cover Change and Landscape Structure |
01/01/1997: Causes And Consequences Of Land Cover Change In A Greater Ecosystem: Trend And Risk Assessment, Monitoring, And Outreach |
01/01/1997: Deforestation and Degradation in Central and Southern Africa |
01/01/1997: Effects of the Development of the Baikul-Amur Mainline Railroad on Patterns of Boreal Forest Cover and Carbon Fluxes in Southern Siberia |
01/01/1997: Land-Cover and Land-Use Change in the Southern Yucatan Peninsula Region (SYPR) |
01/01/1997: Modeling and Forecasting Effects of Land Use Change in China Based on Socioeconomic Drivers |
01/01/1997: Soils, Water, People and Pixels: A Study of Nang Rong |
01/01/1997: Time-Series Land Cover/Land Use Change and Socio-Economic Driving Forces in the Northern Peten Region, Guatemala |